Use a Bacon Bomb Sampler to Detect Contamination

The Bacon Bomb Sampler is a great tool to detect contamination in storage tanks. This explosive, cost-effective method to detect contamination in storage tanks is a great one. The sampler is simple to use. We at Gogen Lab offer different lab equipment.
It is made of PVC and contains sodium nitrate, glucose, and some water. The protective coating is made of biodegradable plastic and paper. To draw out any contamination, a biodegradable wire wick was added. All you need to ignite it is water.
Benefits of Bacon Bomb Sampler
- It is safe to use: The Bacon Bomb Sampler can be used according to our strict specifications.It has been tested by technicians to ensure that it does not explode in a hazardous chemical tank. It has not leaking toxic gas. This is a guarantee.
- It requires less water than an Oxy-acetylene torch. A typical torch will use at least two gallons absolute alcohol.If you use distilled water, the sampler will require five gallons.
- It can be reused: If you need to test water or air multiple times, this is an economical solution.An acetylene tank doesn’t need to be purchased each time you wish to test the water or air quality.
- It’s easy to use: The installation of the Bacon Bomb sampler requires no training or certification.Follow our instructions and use your common sense.
- One sampler is all you need for your entire operation. This cost-effective solution will save you money and allow you to use the same device multiple times to test your tank.
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Bacon Bomb Sampler Features
1. You can use it even when there are toxic or hazardous gases.
Bacon Bomb samplers are made from biodegradable paper. We also covered it with plastic to keep it safe. The chemical reaction destroys the paper, but not the plastic. This ensures that there won’t be any leakage if you ever have to test it under dangerous gases. This is a good thing because it doesn’t need to be disposed off like conventional bomb-making.
2. Reusable:
You can reuse the sampler multiple times by adding water to it and then replacing the wick. This takes less than a minute. Other chemicals can be used for your tests but you must add water afterward. It is the same process, so only the chemicals that you are testing with will change.
3. Safety feature
To ensure safety, the Bacon Bomb sampler has safety-engineered parts. It is safe because the coating is made from biodegradable plastic and paper. Our technicians have also tested the water and wick used to light them.
Heating Mantle: Role
1. It’s easy to set it up.
The Heating Mantle comes with a small burner that makes it easy to use. The sampler must be placed in the burner and lit up. You can use it to save fuel and a container filled with water in place of an acetylene-filled tank.
2. It’s safe
We have tested the product with our chemicals and diesel to ensure there is no leakage.
3. It can be reused:
If the water is still warm, you can test it multiple times. It will last longer if you use a gas-fired stove to heat it. A safety feature on the heater’s burner is that it automatically shuts off when the tank gets too hot. This can prevent leakage from the membrane within the heater.
Gogen Lab’s Heating Mantle is one of our most effective pieces of equipment. The results of our experiments with a few mantles are encouraging. We are glad to share our knowledge and experience with you.